I swear, you just can't write this stuff...it's almost like The Onion is writing this election cycle. But as it turns out, Carl Paladino wasn't objecting to speedoed men grinding against each other, per se. He just objected to them doing it
October 14, 2010

I swear, you just can't write this stuff...it's almost like The Onion is writing this election cycle. But as it turns out, Carl Paladino wasn't objecting to speedoed men grinding against each other, per se. He just objected to them doing it without first paying Paladino a cover charge:

New York candidate for governor Carl Paladino, notorious for gay-bashing, rented to two gay clubs in downtown Buffalo. One of the clubs was run by his son, William. Paladino criticized opponent Andrew Cuomo’s parenting for taking his daughters to a gay parade, because gays there “wear Speedos and grind against each other.” Who knew Paladino was in the gay bar business?

…a club named Cobalt operated as a gay bar in 2004 and most of 2005 and was run by Paladino’s son, William. It was housed in a building owned by one of Paladino’s many companies, Huron Group LLC…

That's actually just one of two gay bars that Paladino's company owned. And that kind of even capitalist approval of gays was enough for the rabbi who had Paladino read that prepared statement to retract his endorsement.

A Brooklyn rabbi who says he helped write the speech that Carl Paladino gave to Orthodox leaders on Sunday that contained anti-gay remarks is withdrawing his support for the GOP candidate for governor. The rabbi says it is because Paladino apologized for those remarks under pressure from his family. Paladino said he has a nephew who is gay.

It also turns out that Paladino's company owned a gay bar upstate and that Paladino's son ran it.

Rabbi Yehuda Levin says Paladino doesn't have any backbone and bowed to political pressure.

Also, racy pictures of Roger Stone, a key advisor to Paladino, have surfaced. The pictures show a shirtless Stone at the Gay Pride Parade, kissing a woman's exposed breast. And there is another pictureof her licking his ear.

I think I'm beginning to agree with Rachel Maddow. This cannot be a real campaign. This has to be some weird performance art piece.

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