May 14, 2009

Ian Millhise writes in an email:

More evidence that conservatives will engage in scorched earth opposition, no matter who President Obama nominates:

An aggressive fundraising group that targeted moderate GOP lawmakers earlier this year has issued a stern warning to Senate Republicans who might vote for President Obama’s nominee to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

In a letter sent Wednesday, the National Republican Trust PAC cautioned the senators they may become targets of the group’s advertising campaigns if they fail to “stay true to your Republican conservative values and beliefs as you anticipate potential nominees put before you by this Administration.” . . .

Scott Wheeler, the PAC’s executive director, said he is prepared to unleash the same resources on Republicans who do not oppose Obama’s as-yet-unnamed court pick.

Truly, President Obama could nominate Rush Limbaugh, and the conservative talking point would be that Limbaugh has too much empathy for drug addicts.

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