For the second night in a row, old Bill-O couldn't manage to keep his temper in check with a Fox Democrat who dared counter his lies on whether President Obama put forth any specific proposals to reduce the deficit. This time it was Kirsten Powers' turn in the box, who actually bothered to bring material printed straight from the White House's web site to read to O'Reilly, but as she told him during the segment, he just responded by moving the goal posts on what would satisfy him.
March 6, 2013

For the second night in a row, old Bill-O couldn't manage to keep his temper in check with a Fox Democrat who dared counter his lies on whether President Obama put forth any specific proposals to reduce the deficit. This time it was Kirsten Powers' turn in the box, who actually bothered to bring material printed straight from the White House's web site to read to O'Reilly, but as she told him during the segment, he just responded by moving the goal posts on what would satisfy him.

Bill O’Reilly to Kirsten Powers: ‘You Can’t Give Me One Specific on Obama’s Proposed Spending Cuts’:

The Daily Beast columnist said it’s “completely untrue” that Obama hasn’t proposed any cuts, citing Medicare as an example. In the president’s fiscal year 2013 budget, Powers said there’s $400 billion in cuts to federal health care spending.

O’Reilly began grilling Powers on how those health care cuts will manifest themselves and asked her to name one specific drug company the administration wants to negotiate prices with.

“Hold on,” Powers interjected. “This is what you do, you change the discussion. […] I’m giving you specifics. What you said last night was the president did not propose anything. The president proposed this to the Republicans.”

After charging that the other is in fact “100 percent wrong,” O’Reilly reasoned, “We’ll let the folks decide.”

Laughing, Powers retorted, “You are wrong about this and now you’re playing a game […] because we can’t name a drug company, I mean come on.”

“Listen Powers, you say you’re going to negotiate with drug companies to bring down spending on drugs and you don’t have one company mentioned,” O’Reilly argued. “[…] This is where you and I will never agree.”

“Because I use facts?” chastised Powers.

h/t Media Matters

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