Have you heard about Occupy the Boardroom? A great group of people got together and tried to figure out how they could contribute to the Occupy Wall Street movement, and what they came up with was a way for the 99 percent to get their
October 29, 2011

Have you heard about Occupy the Boardroom? A great group of people got together and tried to figure out how they could contribute to the Occupy Wall Street movement, and what they came up with was a way for the 99 percent to get their messages to the 1 percent, to air their grievances, their heartbreaks, or their hopes for the future.

Today that group, along with many of the Occupy Wall Street marchers, and people who have sent in their emails to Occupy the Boardroom, all marched to take the messages of the 99 percent to the banks. The above video is some of the out-takes from that action, the march, and deliveries of the messages. The young woman whose voice you hear is reading her letter to the CEO of the bank from which she is trying to obtain a loan modification for her home after losing her job. It's very touching, as are all of the messages.

I've helped this group sorting through the flood of emails, and I can't tell you how many of them have left me in tears. Even the angry emails, because you just feel the pain these people are going through as they fight for their homes, and struggle to provide basic necessities for their families while decent paying jobs leave the country. To some extent, most all of us have gone through many of the same experiences.

I'd like to think that writing these letters, and delivering them is sort of a cathartic experience for everyone involved. A release of all that negative energy that builds when you're stressed, one that leaves you filled with new purpose now that you've come together in solidarity with thousands of people just like yourself. Together in solidarity, we're 99 percent of the nation, and we won't just silently be oppressed by the one percent ever again.

I'm not really supposed to show you this video, because the "official" ones aren't ready to distribute yet, but I couldn't wait. I think with the information behind what's happening in the video, you'll be touched by it as much as I was. Hopefully, my friends will forgive me, and I'll be able to share the rest of the videos when they're released.

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