Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) could not come up with a good answer Sunday when Fox News guest host Benjamin Hall pointed out that President Joe Biden had a similar Israel policy to former President Ronald Reagan.
May 13, 2024

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) could not come up with a good answer Sunday when Fox News guest host Benjamin Hall pointed out that President Joe Biden had a similar Israel policy to former President Ronald Reagan.

As Scott was criticizing Biden for not providing enough support to Israel, Hall noted that he was not the first president to withhold arms from Israel.

"And I suppose, you know, one of the big news this week is that President Biden is withholding weapons from Israel," Hall said. "But Republicans are heavily critical about this. But you have to remember that Reagan did the same thing back in 1981."

"So what do you make of that?" the host asked Scott. "I mean, I'm sure you were a fan of President Reagan."

"But we have to live in reality," Scott said without addressing Reagan's policy. "Today, here's what we know. The last battalions of Hamas are primarily in Rafah. All right. Israel has no choice but to destroy Hamas."

"Biden is doing nothing to force Egypt to open up their borders [so Gazans can flee]," he continued. "But this idea that we are not going to support Israel's ability to destroy Hamas, how is Israel ever, and how do you ever live in any peace in Israel?"

"And by the way, we still have eight American hostages. Why doesn't Biden even talk about these hostages?"

Hall brought the discussion back to Reagan's time in office.

"It is interesting that President Biden is doing something that President Reagan did in 81, and yet he has been criticized for it," Hall said. "But I mean, it's interesting to see how both sides did that."

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