Fox News host Maria Bartiromo confronted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for causing a "disruption" in the U.S. House of Representatives by trying to oust Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).
May 12, 2024

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo confronted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for causing a "disruption" in the U.S. House of Representatives by trying to oust Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

During an interview on Sunday Morning Futures, Greene worried that Republicans would vote for former President Donald Trump but not vote for House members who did not fight for his agenda.

"They're gonna vote for President Trump, but they're gonna skip our names and that's the most dangerous position to be," Greene insisted.

"I go back to what I asked you earlier about the timing. You say you're supporting President Trump," Bartiromo countered, "but is now the time for this disruption six months before the election to fight to get a new speaker in place?"

Greene said she was taking her cues from Trump.

"You know, and and I just spoke with President Trump yesterday about this, and while he says now is not the time, I'm gonna be listening to him," she said. "But he also said, and he said it in his statement publicly, that it may happen that the time may come."

"So even though if I wanted to do [a motion to vacate Johnson's speakership] again this week, the Democrats have already stepped in and saved Johnson."

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