December 12, 2022

Fox Business correspondent Charlie Gasparino said that he wasn't concerned about whether or not Hunter Biden's laptop had been "Russian disinformation if it's true."

During a Sunday appearance on Fox News, Gasparino criticized Twitter's decision to censor a story about Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 presidential election because of concerns about Russian disinformation.

The Fox Business correspondent argued that Twitter was wrong to heed the FBI's warnings about Russia's operation to undermine U.S. elections.

"You've got to say, 'OK, why would the government want us to do this? What motives do the government have?'" he told Fox News host Howard Kurtz. "I think there needs to be something a little more skeptical when government is telling you this."

"By the way, I'm just going to throw this out there," he continued. "Why do I care if the Hunter Biden laptop story is Russian disinformation — if it's all true?"

"Yeah," Kurtz agreed.

"Because at some point, if it's true, I want to know that," Gasparino insisted. "Whether it's the Russians publishing it or The New York Post getting it."

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