October 27, 2022

Tim Michels, the GOP candidate, facing off against Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, had something to say about the issue of abortion. He has been talking about this topic for a while, and none of his answers make any sense. At least he's consistent. Republicans showed their true colors when the conservative-leaning Supreme Court overturned Roe, and they decided to take an even sharper rightward turn.

Michels promised to always stay firm earlier this month and claimed that he was "winning" against Evers because people saw him as "a man of conviction, a man who doesn't waffle," and then, of course, he waffled. As it happens, his support for his state's 1849 law banning abortion except to save the mother's life wasn't popular, so he then said, if elected, that he would sign legislation to grant exceptions for rape and incest.

Are women supposed to be grateful that Republicans such as Michels are shying away from forcing us to have our rapist's babies? Jinkies, thanks, guys. You're the best!

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) and Wisconsin Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Tim Michels joined Fox News's Neil Cavuto, and I almost felt assaulted after Michels opened his mouth, and a massive word salad flew out of it.

Well, now he has had it. He is done with doctors allowing an unborn baby to be "killed" after it's born. Or something.

"Before abortion, up until the moment of birth, and even vetoes a bill that would allow a doctor to kill an unborn baby after it's born," he said out loud.


And there you have it. I'll bet Michels is a fan of Herschel Walker. Just a hunch.

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