July 9, 2019

Yesterday, within hours after Jeffrey Epstein's appearance in court for his indictment of raping girls and trafficking them into and around the country for sexual abuse by his friends, Bill Barr announced he would recuse himself from Epstein's case. His reasoning was as follows:

“I’m recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I joined for a period of time,” Barr said, according to a NBC News producer.

This had people scratching their heads, as it was something an attorney with actual ethics might say and do. He was recusing because he had an association with the law firm that defended Epstein in his previous case.

Today brought confusion, though, as does pretty much every day with this White House and it's anti-communications team.

Wait, what? He was only recusing himself from a case that had already been decided in court?

This tweet implies Barr is recusing himself from the case that was "resolved" (illegally) long ago, but because he "talked to ethics peeps blah blah blah," Barr is just gonna go ahead and NOT recuse himself from Epstein's CURRENT case.

You know. The one where the girls and young women Epstein traumatized and molested might actually see justice served.

So, basically we're not sure what's going on, but as of now, the official word is that he is indeed recused form Epstein's current case. But don't hold your breath. It's just as likely as not Donald will make sure Barr "unrecuses" to stay in the loop, so he can warn him of anything that might implicate him and/or his buddies. Barr *is* the attorney general Trump has always wanted, after all.

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