Fox Nation Host Accused Of Harassment Rewarded With Own Show
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June 13, 2019

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that Fox News is still having problems with sexual harassment, this time with Fox Nation host Tyrus, – and Fox once again seems to be sweeping the problem under the rug.

The Daily Beast had the scoop yesterday as a follow up to a report last week that Tyrus had been booted from his Fox Nation show “Un-PC.”

According to its June 4 article, Tyrus was “quietly removed from his perch after a complaint from his co-host [McHenry], sources familiar with the circumstances told The Daily Beast.” Tyrus got a new show and McHenry got a new cohost.

Now we know more McHenry’s complaint, thanks to some further digging by The Daily Beast:

Since then, multiple sources have confirmed to The Daily Beast that the dispute centered around McHenry’s contention that Tyrus had, on multiple occasions, sent her unwanted and unsolicited text messages with lewd, sexual comments.

Furthermore, Tyrus does not seem to have limited such behavior to his former cohost:

McHenry’s complaint to management about the eccentric Fox personality wasn’t all that surprising to some of his colleagues. Two sources who have worked at Fox News told The Daily Beast that Tyrus has long had a reputation for regularly making off-color or “politically incorrect” remarks or jokes. “He’s got a wild sense of humor, if we’re being generous,” one current female Fox employee said.

And, shades of Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly and I can’t remember who all else, Fox management seemed intent on covering up the problem. More from The Daily Beast:

However, outside splitting up the Un-PC hosting duo, it’s unclear whether the network took any disciplinary action against Tyrus following McHenry’s complaint. In May, the network announced he got his own show on the streaming platform, omitting any direct mention of his exit from the show with McHenry. When The Hollywood Reporter’s Jeremy Barr asked Tyrus in a Twitter direct message whether his departure was due to a dispute with McHenry, the Fox star told the media reporter to never contact him again and blocked him.

Tyrus’ entrée to Fox was via a Twitter friendship with host Greg Gutfeld. If Gutfeld is at all disturbed by Tyrus’ behavior, he kept it to himself. In fact, Tyrus was at his regular perch on Gutfeld’s show last weekend.

The more things change, the more they remain the same, eh?

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