Hugh Hewitt wonders if Ben Carson is willing to kill thousand of innocent children in war. Did you know that's the prerequisite to being a Republican president apparently?
December 15, 2015

Because the RNC was embarrassed by the GOP's 2012 Presidential primaries, they instituted a number of changes to the party rules for 2016.

You may be wondering why Conservative talker Hugh Hewitt has suddenly been appearing on CNN's debates and Sunday talk shows like MTP, even though he's one of the hackiest of all the right wing pundits. Well, one of those changes including forcing networks to partner with conservative media outlets to appease the rabid right wing base.

Tonight's debate is no exception, with CNN including Salem Radio commentator Hugh Hewitt among the panelists. Hewitt, who served as an official in the Reagan administration, was a panelist for CNN's September debate, and is scheduled to be part of the third CNN debate in March.

Tonight's debate unfortunately for Hugh, exposed his sycophantic tendencies when he repeated asked vile questions to Dr. Ben Carson about murdering innocent children, in an effort to marginalize him to the point that he'd finally drop out.

Hewitt opened up the question by saying how inspirational Carson's story is to conservatives, but does he have the nads to carpet bomb children in the thousands because that's war ladies and gentlemen.

Hewitt: We're talking about ruthless things tonight. Carpetbombing, toughness, war. And people wonder, could you do that? Could you order airstrikes that would kill innocent children by not the scores, but the hundreds and thousands? Could you wage war as a commander in chief?

After Carson answered by using a surgeon's analogy and finished it off by making a weird comparison:

Carson: ...If you go ahead and finish the job rather then death by a thousand pricks.

Hewitt should have moved on, but he had to keep bringing up the evil idea of murdering children, as if it's something to be admired for.

Hewitt: So you are OK, with the deaths of thousands of innocent children and civilian...

Audience starts booing...

Hewitt: It's like...


Carson to audience: You got it...

Hewitt: That is what war,, Can you be as ruthless as Churchill was...

Hugh Hewitt's behavior is the epitome of what's happened to the Republican party. They are callous and bloodthirsty to the point where Rambo would start puking his guts out.

I was actually surprised by the Republican audience for booing the heck out of Hewitt. Bravo!

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