July 12, 2005

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With so many people asking to see more of Paul Rieckhoff, founder of
Operation Truth. I had to come through. Here's the full 12 minute version of this possibly French produced piece.
In a prelude to
Operation Yellow Elephant, he was "embedded" at the 2004 Republican National Convention to talk about Iraq.

icon Download -WMP only-(cross-posted at Operation Yellow Elephant)
In this clip, Bush says:

Bush: Our men and women in uniform are doing a superb job for America.

Bush: We will give you all the resources, all the tools and all the support you need for victory.

Bush: There's nothing complicated about supporting our troops in combat.

Narrator: That sounded good, but in the weeks since the convention his administration has made no move to change its policy of cutting veterans' benefits. Getting fresh boots on the ground, though, is still a priority.

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