October 27, 2023

Democrats and some Republicans have long expressed unease with Tommy Tuberville’s blockade of military nominees over a Pentagon abortion policy. I think most of us understand his "principled" stand has more to do with keeping those nominations open for the Orange Mango who pushed him into office. Via the Washington Post:

But with the United States’s closest ally now waging a war in the Middle East while critical positions remain on hold, Democrats are getting behind a plan to circumvent Tuberville’s hold. It will only work, however, if some Republicans back it — a test of whether Republicans’ private frustrations with the Republican Alabama senator’s tactics run deep enough to spur public action.

The new plan would require nine or more Republicans to join with Democrats in order to approve a large block of military nominees at once, without infringing on senators’ power to stall nominations.

[...] Tuberville “has not served a day in his life,” said Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), a Navy combat veteran who sits on the Armed Services Committee with him. The generally understated Kelly has taken aim at Tuberville in recent weeks, tussling with him at a committee hearing over his claim to military expertise and characterizing his hold as hurting Israel and helping Hamas at a news conference.

While senators understand the urgency, they're also reluctant to make a permanent change to the ability to block legislation:

The new plan, which Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and others have pushed for and which Punchbowl News first reported, would likely take nine Republicans to join with all Democrats to confirm the military nominees in large chunks, rather than one by one. It would not require a permanent rule change that would alter senators’ individual power to slow nominations in the future — a dealbreaker for many senators.

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