Let's Send Roy Moore Our Thoughts And Prayers
March 3, 2018

Y’all, Roy Moore is broke. He’s having to beg for money because he “can barely make ends meet” and he has staggering legal bills.

Writing on Facebook Moore raged, “I have lawyers who want to help but they are not without cost and besides their fees, legal expenses could run over $100,000. The liberal media, in association with some who want to destroy our country do not want my influence in the 2018 elections and are doing everything they can to stop me.

“Gays, lesbians, and transgenders have joined forces with those who believe in abortion, sodomy, and destruction of all that we hold dear. Unless we stand together we will lose our country,” he added as an inducement to get help paying his bills.

I hope you guys are fully ashamed of what you have done with your sodomite destruction of dear things that Roy is holding. Or, maybe you’re giggling like me.

Let’s send Roy our thoughts and prayers.

Crossposted at juanitejean.com

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