Mike's Blog Round Up Well, that didn't take long. More proof that this is no coincidence. Here's a complete transcript of another version of the SOTU
February 1, 2006

Mike's Blog Round Up

Well, that didn't take long. More proof that this is no coincidence. Here's a complete transcript of another version of the SOTU address which seems more 'reality based' than the one G-Dub actually delivered. It's no more fantastic than the president's admission that he makes science policy based on science fiction! There were a lot of mumbling "WTF"? when Bush started talking about banning "human-animal hybrids."  No wonder a friend called it The Altered State of the UnionBacklash Liberal has preserved the only sane moment of the whole charade.
people mumbling "WTF"? when Bush started talking about banning "human-animal hybrids." No wonder a friend called it The Altered State of the Union. Backlash Liberal has preserved the only sane moment of the whole charade.
Informed Comment: "It is the height of hubris to speak of "self-government" in Iraq."

The Poor Man Institute: Proof conclusive that shrillions now living will never die.

Catch: Junior's latest cynical appointment

Today in Iraq:  "Bring 'em on."

Informed Comment: "It is the height of hubris to speak of "self-government" in Iraq."

The Poor Man Institute: Proof conclusive that shrillions now living will never die.

Catch: Junior's latest cynical appointment

Today in Iraq: "Bring 'em on."

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