October 5, 2005

Here's a thirty five minute conference call that I received by a C&L super duper, double secret agent:

Ken Mehlman, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, will be holding a nationwide conference call with grassroots leaders to discuss the nomination of Harriet E. Miers to the United States Supreme Court...read on

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I just started listening. Anyone want to write a transcript up? What struck my weird was how Mehlman referred to judicial activism:

Mehlman: I think of someone who has real world experience when the courts hamstring the ability of the administration, the defense department or somebody else to deal with the terrorist threat we face. Mehlman: One of the most important and troubling areas where we have judicial activism seen recently is in the ability of any administration in the future to carry out its leadership on the global war on terror.

I hadn't heard much about the courts helping the terrorists. I guess Miers will be a rubber stamp as far as that goes. Tell me your thoughts...

Update-Here's a transcript of the call

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