December 17, 2023

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy slammed actor Matthew Perry after he died while suffering from depression.

On Saturday's edition of Fox & Friends Weekend, the hosts spoke to Fox News medical analyst Marc Siegel about the news that Perry died from acute effects of ketamine and drowning.

Campos-Duffy suggested Perry's psychological treatments should have been substituted with "fresh air."

"You know, Dr. Siegel, as I hear this story, what I just hear is lots of pharmaceuticals, this cocktails of pharmaceuticals all to deal with depression," she opined. "And I just wonder if that's the right way to deal with depression.

"I mean, can you talk to our viewers about other ways that don't involve pharmaceuticals to deal with depression, like going outdoors, getting fresh air, having more, you know, close connections with humans," the host asked. "What else can people do besides these dangerous cocktails of big pharmacies like everybody's on these things?"

Siegel agreed.

"That is the real really the message here," the doctor said. "Going outdoors exercising more, he did play pickleball, of course, but really letting people love you and loving them back definitely is a way out of this darkness."

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