May 15, 2023

Rudy Giuliani claimed the Beltway media has refused to cover his Hunter laptop hoax, the October surprise that never was, because of "the consequences they might suffer."

OANN's Chanel Rion (of course) pretended she was Jane Pauley as she introduced Trump's former henchman, Rudy Giuliani.

"When history looks back on all this, there will be two sides. Those who understood and believed Joe Biden and his family to be political opportunists, crooks, and liars," she said. "Or for those who believed Joe Biden to be ignorant, innocent, and faultless when it came to the questionable foreign deals of his drug addict son, Hunter."

Giuliani, who kept saying “laptop” (really an image of a hard drive he said was Hunter’s). Copies of the hard drive were in his possession for over six months before he tried to use them smear Biden at the end of the 2020 campaign. The data on the laptop could not be verified.

The vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified by either of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Post.

Of course, Rudy blamed the media for his failed so-called "evidence."

"We approached a lot of people who wouldn't do it-- because of the consequences," Giuliani said. "I don't even know what the consequences are," he said, lying.

Giuliani hoped the media would have jumped on it as they did Hillary's emails.

"I mean, look at what Twitter and Facebook are doing. They don't want people to hear this," he continued.

"You say only a percentage of this has been released so far," Chanel Rion said, trying to act like she's a host on 60 Minutes.

"Well, it's in the hands of people that can decide themselves to release it," he said.

Rion asked if the New York Post has the entire laptop and Rudy said they have almost all of it.

Huh? Where is all the damaging info, then?

Rudy said the Post has almost all of it, but he will make sure all of it is released.

The chain of custody is meaningless to these creeps.

It's been almost three years since Rudy tried to ratf*ck Joe Biden.

It's nice to see Giuliani being forced to take his scam to OANN since even non-credible right wing sources are finally shunning him.

I will celebrate only when he's on his way to prison in handcuffs.

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