December 10, 2022

According to Don Jr. (spouting the Putin talking points all Republicans spread this week), the Biden administration didn’t free Paul Whelan "because he wasn’t woke like Griner."

“There’s a level of arrogance Griner had going into Russia .. because in America, as a female celebrity, minority, lesbian she probably felt she could be above the law.”

This is actually kind of sad. This gibbering idiot doesn't feel he "could be above the law"? Really?

If his name was Jones and not Trump, he's probably have been in court-ordered rehab by now instead of a Palm Beach manse. And he'd eventually be in prison with his father, where they both belong.

And let's look at the heroic Paul Whelan. First of all, Daddy Trump never even mentioned his name:

I'm not saying we shouldn't be trying to get him home (because we are), but he got a bad conduct discharge from the Marines, and when you compare him to Brittney Griner, well, see for yourself:

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