MAGA Grifters Whine About Being Grifted By MAGA
Credit: Screengrab
May 17, 2022

Convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza, who was pardoned by Trump and his wife are furious that other MAGA cultists are pirating his movie 2000 Mules and aren't paying for it.

Dinesh had an important issue he wanted to tell MAGAland about.

"The issue of piracy," he said. "And this is people like, and it’s kind of unbelievable. Literally someone who came to our Mar-a-Lago premiere recorded the movie."

"They started posting the Mar-a-Lago premiere which was, by the way, a private event.”

Poor baby.

It's a wondrous thing when MAGA grifters are the ones being grifted.

D'Souza's claim that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump by using supposedly fraud-carrying cell phone pings is ludicrous, but for MAGA's cult, it's a thing.

Maybe they are getting payback for the "Build the Wall scam" with Bannon at the center of it and who needed to be pardoned by Trump for stealing millions from true-believing MAGA-ites.

Philip Bump fact-checks: ‘2000 Mules’ offers the least convincing election-fraud theory yet

AFP writes, "Purported cell phone data doesn't prove fraud."

But it's always wonderful when the grifter is set up for a grift, isn't it?

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