The Daily Show Uses Hilarious Toddlers In Trump Vs. S. Korea Scenario
Credit: Comedy Central
March 14, 2017

South Korea has removed their president for corruption, as we should be sensibly doing given the overwhelming evidence of heinous criminal conduct by Donald Trump and his family. But sensible is no longer a characteristic of these United States of Grifters.

Trump and his entire morally bankrupt GOP could NOT have any more evidence of collusion with foreign enemies, stealing from innocent Americans, fraud, environmental terrorism, violating the Emoluments Clause, and on and on and on. However, investigating and prosecuting these criminal monsters is nearly impossible, since they now control all three branches of government, they have the backing of the world's richest and most dangerous dictator and, they control the media.

South Korea reminds one of the days where a tiny little scandal, (by comparison) like Watergate, could topple a corrupt branch of government. This sort of justice is impossible in a non-functioning democracy, one without respect for the rule of law.

NOAH: After months of protest, the president of South Korea was impeached Friday and removed from office. Not hard to see this coming. She's a president of a major Democracy, but also involved in shady deals including scamming money through a bogus family foundation and most of all many said the president wasn't running the country herself. They said she had been manipulated by a shadowy advisor. I know this may seem completely foreign now, but, don't worry, you will understand it soon.

Most people know very little about what's happening in South Korea. In fact, the only thing we know for certain is, over the weekend, the crisis in South Korea gave us the the greatest moment in the history of television ever.

A BBC newscast airs an interview with an expert on Korean politics, from the man's home. A toddler walks in, strutting proudly (like a man who was told he is NOT the father on Maury). The expert is embarrassed as the youngster prances around and then, a baby in a walker comes in as well. Their mom removes them promptly and efficiently, like a Navy Seal.

This had to be one of the funniest live TV gaffes ever, until The Daily Show upped the comedic ante with some appropriate character edits.

NOAH: That poor guy, man, he's trying so hard to get his message out. This reminded me of a giant metaphor for the Trump Administration.

The toddler is replaced with Trump, the baby is now Ben Carson, the BBC expert is a flummoxed Sean Spicer and then Kellyanne Conway is the nanny coming in to remove the children from the scene.

Toddlers Behaving Badly. Toddlers Gone Wild. Metaphors like these for the Trump W.H. would be hilarious if they weren't so very reminiscent of our sad state of affairs in this country.

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