NASCAR's Kurt Busch claims ex-girlfriend Patricia Driscoll is a professional assassin. Decide for yourself.
January 16, 2015

Keith Olbermann takes on the bizarre testimony by NASCAR driver Kurt Busch that his ex-girlfriend is really a professional assassin. Maybe she is, if the video he shows in the middle of the segment is any indication. At the very least, she's a 5-foot tall ball buster.


Testifying about a request for a protective order against him, race car driver Kurt Busch told a Dover, Del., court this week that his former girlfriend is an assassin. Patricia Driscoll, who dated Busch for four years, requested the order last November, shortly after their relationship ended.

Driscoll has also filed a criminal complaint against Busch, alleging that he grabbed her and slammed her head into the wall of his motor coach at Dover International Speedway last fall. Busch denies those claims, which the authorities have been considering separately.

Those circumstances brought about four days of testimony from Busch and Driscoll that almost certainly stands unique among anything ever heard in a family court.

The former NASCAR Sprint Cup champion, 36, said that Driscoll "is a trained assassin dispatched on covert missions around the world," The Associated Press reports. The news agency adds: "Busch said Driscoll repeatedly asserted her assassin status and claimed the work took her on missions across Central and South America and Africa."

Olbermann covers it like only Keith Olbermann can.

(Furs by Dicker & Dicker of Beverly Hills)

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